How to Screen Print on Leather? Explained in 9 Best Steps

How to Screen Print on Leather

Are you looking for a way to customize or personalize leather products with an image or design?

Screen printing is a great way to print on leather, but it's important to understand the process first. It is done by forcing ink through a mesh screen onto your product. The screen is usually made of polyester and has been coated with an emulsion that blocks certain areas of the design from receiving ink. Water-based inks are most commonly used for printing on leather products, but other types of inks can be used depending on the type of leather and the desired effect. It's important to use inks specifically designed for printing on leather to ensure that they bond properly and look great when finished.

In this article, we’ll cover in detail how to screen print on leather with step-by-step instructions, you’ll also find out what supplies are needed, and what common inks are used.


  • Screen printing on leather requires proper screen setup and the use of inks specifically designed for leather printing.
  • The type of leather determines the choice of ink, with water-based acrylics being suitable for faux leather and solvent-based inks adhering securely to genuine leather.
  • Equipment and tools needed for screen printing on leather include stencils, squeegees, and a screen printing frame with mesh.
  • Steps for screen printing on leather include choosing the right leather, creating or selecting a design, preparing screens and stencils, cleaning and conditioning the leather, and curing and drying the printed leather before use.

Common inks

There are several different inks you can choose from.

  1. Water-based acrylics: These inks offer a wide variety of colors and are safe for use on faux leather.
  2. Solvent-based ink: This ink is best for genuine leather, as it adheres more securely than water-based ink.
  3. Plastisol inks: These inks provide vivid colors and can be cured with heat, making them ideal for items that will be washed or exposed to the elements.
  4. Specialty inks: These inks can be used to create unique effects on leather, such as metallic or glow-in-the-dark finishes.

Whichever type of screen printing ink you choose, make sure that it’s appropriate for the type of leather that you’re working with so that your design lasts for years to come.

Equipment and Tools

To successfully screen print on leather, you’ll need certain equipment and tools. The most important pieces of the process include:

Leather printing materials:

  • Stencils
  • Squeegee
  • Ink or paint specifically designed for leather printing

Other supplies:

  • Masking tape
  • Screen printing frame with mesh attached to it
  • Adhesive spray (optional)

How to Screen Print on Leather? Step-by-Step Instructions

If you’re looking to screen print on leather, there are a few steps you need to take to get the best result.

First, it’s important to choose the right leather for your project; then you’ll create or select a design for printing, prepare screens, clean the screens, and prepare a stencil.

With these steps in mind, you’ll be able to expertly screen print on leather like a pro.

1. Choosing the Right Leather for Screen Printing

You’ll want to pick the right leather for screen printing, as it can make a big difference in the final product. Here is what you should know when choosing the right leather:

  • Leather Type: Selecting a specific type of leather is important for successful screen printing. If you are making a leather jacket, pick one that is lightweight and soft, but thick enough to survive wear and tear.
  • Screen Printing Leather: Look for leathers that are specifically designed for screen printing, as they offer maximum adhesion with solvent-based inks used in this process.
  • Designs on Leather: Keep in mind that the design will be visible on the finished piece; so choose a specific kind of leather depending on your desired effect or look for pre-treated leathers ready for designs.

2. Creating or Selecting a Design for Printing

Now that you have chosen the right leather for your screen printing project, it’s time to create or select a design.

Digital printing is often used for creating original designs, but those with more experience in screen printing may prefer to manually draw their designs onto the leather.

You will need to consider the mesh count of your screen printing frame when choosing paints for your design.

Acrylic paints used for screen printing are typically recommended for use on leather, while dyes or other leather paints can be used as well.

Be sure to test out colors and paint types before beginning your project on the main piece of leather.

3. Preparing Screens

Before beginning your project, it’s time to prepare the screens you’ll need for your design:

  • Choose a mesh count that is appropriate for the leather surface and will pull the screen tight.
  • Coat the screen with emulsion or photo-sensitive film, making sure to evenly spread a thin layer across its entirety.
  • Expose and rinse until no unexposed emulsion remains; make sure to thoroughly screen wash before use on leather.

4. Clean the Screens

Clean your mesh with a soft, lint-free cloth to remove any dust or debris before continuing.

You want to make sure that the screens are as clean as possible so that the ink will adhere properly and the design will look crisp.

After wiping down the screen with a cloth, use compressed air to make sure any remaining dust is removed from both sides of the mesh.

Then, let the screen dry completely in an area free of dust particles. Once it’s dry, you can apply a thin coat of emulsion to each side of the screen and let it dry overnight.

After letting each side dry for around 12 hours, you can test out some inks on scrap leather and adjust accordingly.

Finally, once all necessary adjustments have been made, you’re ready to start printing onto your project piece.

5. Prepare a Stencil

To prepare a stencil for your design, you’ll need to create an image that matches what you want to print.

Here’s what you should do:

  • Create the design: Use printing ink and transfer it onto the screen using a squeegee. This will be used for screen printing on leather earrings.
  • Secure the stencil: Make sure that all areas of the image are secured so that no ink can bleed through the screen.
  • Test the stencil: Before applying it to leather, test it on another surface to make sure everything looks good.

6. Clean the Leather

Once you have the stencil ready, it’s time to clean the leather before you start screen printing.

Cleaning is important as any dirt or oils on the surface can affect how the ink adheres. To clean leather goods for screen printing, use a mild soap and water mix and wipe down with a damp cloth.

Make sure to let it dry completely before proceeding. Leather should also be conditioned before applying water-based ink, as this will help keep it flexible so that your prints are sharp and durable over time.

Suitable for use with screen printing, conditioners add an extra layer of protection between the leather and ink, extending the life of your print job significantly.

7. Prepare the Ink

Before applying ink, it’s important to prepare it for the leather surface. Acrylic and water-based inks are the best options for screen printing on leather.

To achieve the desired results, you should:

  • Flood the Screen: This involves pouring a thin layer of ink over your screen.
  • Spread even: Make sure the ink is spread evenly across your screen before lifting off.
  • Consistent pressure: Apply consistent pressure when pushing down with a squeegee or credit card.
  • Thin Out Ink: If needed, thin out your ink with a few drops of water so that it prints more easily without clogging up the mesh of your screen.
  • Check Ink Color: Use test paper to make sure you’re happy with how your colors will look once printed on leather. This will ensure that you get optimal results from your print.

8. Executing the Screen Printing

Once the ink is prepared, it’s time to execute the screen printing process. A step-by-step guide should be used to print onto leather with a screen printing method.

This involves using a squeegee to pull the paint through the silk screens which have been used to create prints on fabrics.

Paints specifically designed for use in screen prints should be used as they are thicker than conventional paints and contain binders that help adhere them to leather surfaces.


Begin by stretching the leather across a frame and securing it firmly in place. Place the silk screen over the area of leather you wish to print on and ensure it is taut against its surface before filling it with ink.

Then pull the screen downwards using steady pressure and even strokes with your squeegee – this will transfer the paint onto your piece of leather below.

To avoid smudging or streaking, make sure not to press too hard or go over any areas more than once.

9. Curing and Drying the Printed Leather

To complete the printing process, you’ll need to cure and dry your printed surface. Curing and drying are important steps in the screen printing process; without them, the ink won’t be properly set on leather.


  • Let the print sit for 24-72 hours to allow the ink to fully dry before curing.
  • Use a heat press or infrared lamp (at 350°F) for 2 minutes to permanently set your design.
  • Allow the leather to cool down before removing it from the press or lamp.


  • Hang or lay flat in a well-ventilated area until completely dry, typically overnight.
  • Avoid direct sunlight or extreme temperatures when drying as this may alter the color of ink and leather.


  • To avoid any smudges, clean off any excess ink with a damp cloth before curing/drying.

With proper curing and drying techniques, you can ensure that your printed design will remain vibrant on leather for years to come.

Final Thoughts

Overall, screen printing on leather is a great way to add a personal touch to your leather items.

With the right equipment and some patience, you can create a unique look that will last for years. Just remember to use the correct inks and take your time when preparing your project.

Avoid common mistakes such as using too much pressure or not testing the ink before starting. With practice, you’ll be able to master this skill and make beautiful pieces of art with leather.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does Screen Printing on Leather Typically Take?

Screen printing on leather usually takes a few hours, depending on the complexity of the design. It’s important to take your time and ensure that everything is done correctly.

What Is the Best Type of Leather for Screen Printing?

The best type of leather for screen printing is full-grain, vegetable-tanned leather. It’s strong and durable, making it ideal for long-lasting prints.

Is Screen Printing on Leather Permanent?

Yes, screen printing on leather is permanent. It’s an incredibly durable method that ensures prints don’t fade or wash away. You can trust that your design will last for years to come!

How Much Does It Cost to Screen Print on Leather?

Screen printing on leather can vary in cost depending on your project. Generally, it is more expensive than other materials due to the extra steps needed for a lasting finish. You’ll want to get an exact quote for your project before proceeding.

Can I screen print on leather jackets?

Yes, screen printing can be done on leather jackets. It is a popular method for customizing and adding designs to leather garments.

Do I need a special squeegee for screen printing on leather?

Yes, it is important to use a 70 durometer squeegee when screen printing on leather. This type of squeegee is thinner and provides better control during the printing process.

Will the ink bleed through the screen when printing on leather?

Depending on the quality of the leather and the thickness of the ink, there is a possibility that the ink may bleed through the screen. It is recommended to use thinner acrylic paints to minimize this issue.

Will screen printing ruin the leather?

When done correctly, screen printing will not ruin the leather. However, it is important to be careful during the printing process to avoid any damage to the leather.

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